Artifact Details

Colonel William H. Pietsch, Jr. completed many successful OSS missions during and after World War II.
Colonel William Pietsch began his intelligence career at age 21, as youngest in the Office of Strategic Services’ (OSS) inaugural class of paratroopers. He parachuted into Nazi-occupied Burgundy region of France in 1944 to help coordinate the activities resistance forces in advance of the US 3rd and 7th Armies liberating the area. In a second mission in the fall of that year, he and his team located and turned over arms caches to the French Provisional Government. In his military service after the war, Col. Pietsch and his colleagues were instrumental in developing and refining the techniques of guerrilla warfare.
Artifact Specs
47 cm x 16.9 cm x 80.4 cm
(L x W x H)
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Official OSS Exhibition Catalogue
The Office of Strategic Services: America’s First Intelligence Agency