Artifact Details

Our national symbol, the eagle, represents vigilance, alertness, strength, courage, and freedom. "Windwalker," this dramatic 48-inch bronze eagle by sculpture Kitty Cantrell, embodies all these qualities, and was added to the Agency's sculpture collection on April 1, 2022. Named for Cherokee medicine woman Five Feathered Windwalker, the sculpture belonged to the late Richard and Eleonore Morgner; their children gifted it to the Agency.
An example of an American success story, the Morgners emigrated to the United States from Germany in 1954 with little money and went on to establish companies including Superior Iron Works, which contributed to the construction of CIA's New Headquarters Building, which now houses the statue. One of their children was also an employee of the CIA.
In 1999, Eleonore and Richard Morgner were killed when their private plane crashed. Windwalker was a favorite sculpture of Mr. Morgner. As a tribute to their parents, the Morgner children donated the sculpture to the Agency in recognition of the courageous work of those who serve the CIA. Acknowledging that through this work, the Agency helps protect citizens of the United States and the immigrants who look to this country as the land of opportunity.