Today, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) held its annual Memorial Ceremony to remember, honor, and celebrate the courageous officers who gave their lives in service of our country.
During the ceremony, CIA added two new stars to the Memorial Wall, commemorating exceptional officers whose legacies will live on and whose service must remain known to only a select few.
In remarks to those assembled before the Memorial Wall, Director William J. Burns said, “Each year, we gather in this sacred place to mourn and remember. We look upon this Memorial Wall, etched with sacrifice, and honor those Agency officers who gave their lives in the service of our country.” He called the stars on the wall, “a sacred constellation that inspires us to do more.”
During the ceremony, Director Burns presented the families of the most recently fallen officers with marble replicas of their loved ones’ stars.
The Memorial Wall now has 139 stars.

In 2022, the number of stars on the Memorial Wall grew to 139.