Every year, CIA’s Office of Public Affairs receives thousands of letters and e-mails from the public. We even have a dedicated “Molly Hale”—a moniker used by a real CIA officer—who responds to public inquiries. Molly brings a personal touch to a very large government organization and takes every opportunity to share as much as possible about the CIA with the public.
For Molly, high points of the job include regular e-mails from around the world thanking CIA officers for “serving in silence” as well as letters from children who aspire to be “agents” (Note: The correct terminology would be “officers”). We want to share some of our favorite letters and e-mails from the young people of America with the hope that you’ll enjoy them as much as we did.
We can’t respond to every inquiry we receive but we try to read them all and do our best to answer as many as we can!

On the left, paper plate artwork of Molly Hale (right), courtesy of an aspiring Molly Hale.
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Transcribed Letter:
Dear C.I.A Director,
We are named Michael and Aidan [REDACTED]. We want to be spies. We are 6 and 7 and we read spy school books. If I ever got caught I could make up a story because I write so much. What should we do to prepare for C.I.A.? Should me and Aidan act out bad guys and good guys? If you have time please write back or recruit us. Good luck catching bad guys until then.
Michael and Aidan [REDACTED]
Transcribed Letter (see image):
Dear CIA,
Hi, my name is Owen. I am 5 years old. I like spies. I am going to be a spy when I grow up. Where can I learn more about spies? Can you write me back?

Transcribed Letter (see image):
Director of Public Affairs,
I want to be a CIA agent when I grow up. Stopping evil is my middle name. I will tell you some of my skills:
- Swimming
- Kung Fu
- Climbing
- Hiding
- Changing my accent
- Blending in
I have a few questions for you. 1) Where do I go learn how to be a CIA agent? 2) Do I have to be part of the military? 3) What is the most fun part of your job?
Looking forward to hearing from you!
P.S. Who would win, a guy with a laser sword or an evil robot?
Winston, age 7 ½

Hello CIA,
My name is noah [REDACTED] im 12 and i want to sign up for the ninja projects for telekinesis and other kinetics abilities because i want to help do something in united states and become an actual super hero at the CIA
Molly Hale Response:
Thank you for your interest - you must be 18 to work for CIA, but it’s never too early to start planning!
We invite you to check out our Spy Kids' Page. It contains information on who we are and what we do. You can also play some fun games and help us solve some puzzles.
Also, we recommend looking at CIA Careers and Student Programs to get an idea of the kinds of jobs we have available at CIA and the requirements for this kind of work. If you click on each position type, you will see the required qualifications and a brief description of the kind of work performed in certain roles. CIA is always looking for students who have done well in their studies of global issues, political affairs, language capabilities, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Still, we don't prioritize one academic degree or track over another. Students who are genuinely committed to contributing their knowledge and skills to public service, have strong critical thinking/writing instincts, and have a range of experiences that enable them to understand and easily adapt to various foreign environments and cultures are particularly attractive to CIA.
Transcribed Letter (see image):
To: the C.I.A
From: Alyssa, my brother matt and my best friend mckensie
Dear C.I.A
I am Alyssa and my BIGGEST goal is to be a spy when I grow up. I have checked out your new Spy Kids section in your website and now i do karate I am really good at singing says school. I am not surprised we finally caught the bad guy it is SO cool! I've also got a question... when is the earliest you can join I want to help... if I am asking too much tell me. for response, my address is [REDACTED]. Can't wait for you to receive this!!!!!
P.S. I LOVE spies especially the C.I.A. ones because they go around the world. Oh I crossed out things because I think they would be rude and I did so with mckensie and my brother because we are no longer friends and my brother didn't have stuff to say!
Please send me a long list of C.I.A rules I'll follow them!

I know this is a long shot but here we go. My partner and I are looking for people to interview for our national history day project. We live in Utah and are in 8th grade. We are filming a documentary about women spies and the role they played in World War 2, specifically focusing on Virginia Hall and how she impacted the spy agency for women.
We were just reaching out to see if we were able to record a video and just give us your thoughts on the topic. We just wanted to see if you could help.
Thanks for your time! :)
-Abby and Madison, [REDACTED] Middle School
Molly Hale Response:
Good morning Abby and Madison,
Thank you for your interest in the Central Intelligence Agency.
CIA’s website has a section on Virginia Hall: The Courage and Daring of “The Limping Lady” and other women in intelligence under the News and Stories section. You may also be interested in The Langley Files podcast, where we interview CIA officers, including the former Analytic Chief Linda Weissgold and she discusses women in the intelligence field.
Other resources you might find useful:
New Virginia Hall Exhibit Brings Intelligence Art to Our Blind and Low Vision Officers
The Debrief: Behind the Artifact - Virginia Hall (YouTube video)
The Petticoat Panel: CIA’s First Study—in 1953—on the Role of Women in Intelligence
Other OSS women you might like to learn more about:
The “Glorious Amateurs” of OSS: A Sisterhood of Spies
Marion Frieswyk: The First Female Intelligence Cartographer
Mitsu Yashima: Artist, Activist, and “Voice of the People”
The Debrief: Behind the Artifact - Eloise Page (YouTube video)
The Debrief: Behind the Artifact - Elizebeth Friedman (YouTube video)
Transcribed Letter (see image):
To Whom It May Concern,
I’m writing this letter to tell you that I really admire the work you do. I am 9 years old and I would like to be an agent someday. I was wondering if you could give me some tips on things that I could study or learn that would help me in the future so I could be an agent of the CIA. I hope someday that you will consider me for a job with your agency. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I really hope to hear back from you

Transcribed Letter:
Dear CIA,
My name is WARREN. I am 4 years old and I live in Vermont. Thank you for helping to protect us and keep us safe. When I grow up I want to be a firefighter and work for the CIA so I can help people too!
I hope you stay healthy,
Transcribed Letter (see image):
I want to be in the CIA 1 day. What do I start with? I am sneaky and am smart.